Day 14: A Not So Random Year of Kindness

How goes the relaxing and recharging exercise? What have you done for you? How does it feel? I've spent 2 days working on it 😁.

I've been hanging out with my husband, working from home, went to the club both days to work out and for long swims (my ultimate "me time") we've ordered dinner in (no cooking or cleaning)  and I've read a book (today and yesterday) for over an hour JUST FOR FUN! This may not seem like a big deal, yet for a big reader, this is huge. Im reading the first book that isn't related to my work in over 2 years! How did that happen? I mean, I LOVE what I do! I love reading ancient writings and classic books and I can't get enough of all the latest research on meditation, reiki, meditative art like mandalas and Zentangle. It's  fascinating. It seems there's an endless font of information and new studies coming out everyday. It's a job to keep up. I love it. And I just realized, it leaves me no time to enjoy my guilty reading pleasures, murder mysteries and biographies. Variety!! I believe in balance and variety! I am now committed to working in some "just for fun reading" time into every week. Love when I learn something new about myself, and love correcting an imbalance in my life even more!

What did you do for you, my Reiki Babies How are you recharging  your 'compassion batteries'?

Remember to give yourself at least 1 hour today to do anything you want that will make you happy. Do it deliberately. Do it consciously. Do it with LOVE! Be good to you, my loves, and the kindness will flow out of you without even trying.

Tell us how you took care of you and use the hashtags

#reikibabieskindnesstribe #todaysplannedactofkindness and #2017anotsorandomyearofkindness so we can keep our stories together.

#kindnessquest #bekindtoyourself #randr #recharge #metime #reikibabieschangetheworld  #dailyactsofkindness #dailyactsoflove #showcompassiontoyourselfandothers #practicereiki #meditation #reiki #zentangle #teacher #czt #rmt #gratitude #justfortoday #theprinciplesofreiki #mindfulness #breathe #sharethis #joinus #plannedactsofkindness #randomactsofkindness #bekind #letsdothis #reikiwithmariepsa #photobyme #nofilter
