Day 27: 2017 A Not So Random Year of Kindness

 "When you talk you're only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new."-Dalai Lama 💛☀️Good morning, darlings 😘🌸 I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Spring has sprung! Yaaay!! Just finished my morning meditation and setting my intentions for the week. I've decided I'm going to start off this particular week with a very specific goal in mind. Those of you who know me, know "Ima talker!" Yes, it's true (I know you're shocked 😳) I have the "gift of gab," I love life and I love telling stories. I also love people and their stories, so I'm a listener too. But sometimes, I get so excited (or agitated or nervous, or whatever) that I'm IN my head while I'm talking to someone. My mind is racing ahead to thinking of the next thing I'm going to say, and while the person I'm talking to is responding to me, I'm still in my head, and not paying attention to them. When I catch myself, I take a deep breath, tell my brain to shut up 🤐 and I LISTEN. I admit I've gotten much better at this over the last few years (it only took me half a century) and being present and aware are more the norm for me now. But it took work and it took practice, and that took time. So this week I want to be conscious and aware. I want to actively listen and try to learn something new in every conversation. How many of us feel unheard? Too many. So this week join me and let's listen. Let someone tell you their truth. Listen with caring compassion and turn up your empathy. Try on a kind and gentle approach and see how it feels. Tell us how it went. How did people react/respond?Use the hashtags #reikibabieskindnesstribe #todaysplannedactofkindness and #2017anotsorandomyearofkindness so we can keep our stories together.
