Day 22: #2017 A Not So Random Year of Kindness

What emotional pain are you holding on to? We all have something. Even Pollyanna would find an unresolved heartache and anger buried far far back in her antique armoire. So, what's yours and who's responsible for that unresolved pain/anger? Think about it. Who is responsible. Yes, ultimately we choose our own road and so must own the direction we go in, yet some of those flat tires on our journey are caused by nails littered on our long life road. Who are your "nails"? Was it a bad relationship and you're still hurt by the person you loved? Was it a boss at work that made your life miserable? Is it a parent, sibling or other family member you can't forgive? Is it you? Did you get in your own way and choose a bad path? Whatever it is, the pain it left behind is real and part of us. The only way to grow from this is to forgive, study to learn, and release it.

First the easy part: look at your painful story. What did you learn? You know you learned something, if not about something you want in your life, then you've learned of something you don't want in your life. You learned something from that experience/relationship/situation that will make your future better, that you can share as a wisdom and help someone else suffering similarly, and that gives you an opportunity to practice forgiveness.Today, we're going to think of that person that hurt us, write down what we learned from the experience and we will forgive them and release them with love wishing only the best for them and asking God/the universe/the fates to bring us good things too.

If you can and want to connect with the person and let them know you forgive them, do it!!! That's powerful stuff and SUPER healing. If they're gone, you don't know where they are, or you'd just rather not, then write a letter saying what you would say to them if you could. Be honest. Get it all out and let the forgiveness wash over you. This will allow the healing to begin.

Again, with this exercise, expect no reward (not even a 'thank you') because this is about you!Then be more forgiving all day. Observe the occasions in which anger or hurt can take over. It's about opening your heart and your eyes and seeing what people are experiencing. Do they need understanding and forgiveness. Even little bits of understanding can add up to make a day better than it would have been. When you OBSERVE someone, watch with a caring eye, you will find occasions to encourage and forgive. So be conscious, notice. Go for it.  Do it with conscious intention and compassion. Watch what happens. Little acts of empathy have a way of becoming medicinal. Feel free to "inject empathy" into every problem you face today. Spread the nice. Tell us how it went. How did people react/respond?  Use the hashtags: #reikibabieskindnesstribe #todaysplannedactofkindness and #2017anotsorandomyearofkindness so we can keep our stories together. #photobyAaronAtkinson #nofilter #reikiwithmariepsa

#kindnessquest #forgive #shareasmile #reikibabieschangetheworld  #dailyactsofkindness #dailyactsoflove #showcompassiontoyourselfandothers #practicereiki #meditation #reiki #zentangle #teacher #czt #rmt #gratitude #justfortoday #mindfulness #breathe #sharethis #joinus #plannedactsofkindness #randomactsofkindness #bekind #letsdothis
