"As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good."- Maya Angelou
Today, we're going to be generous for no reason and expecting no reward (not even a 'thank you') all day. It's not about what people think of us, it's about what we think of ourselves. Do you think of yourself as a generous giving person? Generosity isn't about money or material things. It's about opening your heart and your eyes and seeing what people need. Really need. Sometimes, a person's immediate needs can be so simple to fill. If you OBSERVE someone, watch with a caring eye, you will find what that need is. So be conscious, notice what people around you need and find ways to share today. A dollar for the street musician, put quarters in a stranger's parking meter, buy a cup of coffee for a friend, help someone carry their heavy bags... any simple act of giving. I promise that you will feel better than all the people you help today, because you cared and got involved. Go for it. Do it with conscious intention and compassion. Watch what happens. Little acts of kindness have a way of becoming contagious. Feel free to "infect" everyone you come in contact with today. Spread the nice.Tell us how it went. How did people react/respond? Use the hashtags #reikibabieskindnesstribe #todaysplannedactofkindness and #2017anotsorandomyearofkindness so we can keep our stories together.
#photobyme #nofilter #reikiwithmariepsa #kindnessquest #begenerous #givefromyourheart #shareasmile #reikibabieschangetheworld #dailyactsofkindness #dailyactsoflove #showcompassiontoyourselfandothers #practicereiki #meditation #reiki #zentangle #teacher #czt #rmt #gratitude #justfortoday #mindfulness #breathe #sharethis #joinus #plannedactsofkindness #randomactsofkindness #bekind #letsdothis