It's the weekend and for most of us it's time to relax and recharge.
Your act of kindness for today and tomorrow?
Do something for you. Be kind to yourself. How long has it been since you've taken quality "me time?" Let's recharge our 'compassion batteries' by filling our selves back up by doing something we enjoy or need. Soon you'll be feeling satisfaction and gratitude.
Give yourself at least 1 hour today and another hour tomorrow. If you can take more time for yourself, DO IT! Catch up on sleep, or go for a run. Figure out what you need and DO IT! I don't care if you spend it reading, watching tv, taking a walk, writing, painting (a canvas or your toes) knitting, hiking, swimming, shopping, or doing absofreekinlutely nothing! Do it deliberately. Do it consciously. Do it with LOVE! Be good to you, my loves, and the kindness will flow out of you without even trying. It's your weekend! Enjoy.
Tell us how you took care of you and use the hashtags #reikibabieskindnesstribe #todaysplannedactofkindness and #2017anotsorandomyearofkindness so we can keep our stories together.
#kindnessquest #bekindtoyourself #randr #recharge #metime #reikibabieschangetheworld #dailyactsofkindness #dailyactsoflove #showcompassiontoyourselfandothers #practicereiki #meditation #reiki #zentangle #teacher #czt #rmt #gratitude #justfortoday #theprinciplesofreiki #mindfulness #breathe #sharethis #joinus #plannedactsofkindness #randomactsofkindness #bekind #letsdothis #reikiwithmariepsa #photobyme #nofilter