Day 12: 2017 A Not So Random Year of Kindness

It's Friday! Yay! Today we swear in a new president. That means that today (just for today, pun intended) we will officially have 2 acting presidents, President Obama in charge in the morning and President Trump in charge at night. I mention this for absolutely no political reasons at all. I bring it up because I have a really cool question. First, the background: Once upon a time in a bedroom, in a house, in Cuba, on January 20, 1917, Josepha Portu gave birth to a little girl. Josepha and her husband, Martin, named their 8th child/1st daughter, Luz, which means "light" in Spanish and she truly was the light of her parents and big brothers' lives. Luz is my Abuela Luchi, and today is her 100th birthday! Wow, right?? More Background: Did you know that every American citizen who lives to their 100th birthday gets a hand written letter of congratulations from the President of the United States?? Soooooooo... here's my question: who do you think will be signing my grandmother's birthday letter? Obama or Trump? Lol. Happy Birthday 🎁🎂🎉🎈🎊 to my incredible Abuela Luchi. God bless her!


Your act of kindness for today?

Call a grandma. Any grandma, yours, someone else's, it doesn't matter. Ask her how she is and then LISTEN! If you live close and can visit, do it. Share your time and let her know you are interested in her and that you genuinely care. It's a simple phone call and it will make her day. Keep spreading kindness one person at a time, my Reiki Babies. 💖 and hugs.

Share stories of your kindness quest with us here and use the hashtags #reikibabieskindnesstribe #todaysplannedactofkindness and #2017anotsorandomyearofkindness so we can keep our stories together.

 #kindnessquest #bekindandhonest #happybirthdayabuela #100yearsold #1917 #centenarian # #reikibabieschangetheworld  #dailyactsofkindness #dailyactsoflove #practicereiki #meditation #reiki #zentangle #teacher #czt #rmt #gratitude #justfortoday #theprinciplesofreiki #mindfulness #breathe #showcompassiontoyourselfandothers #sharethis #joinus #plannedactsofkindness #randomactsofkindness #bekind #letsdothis #reikiwithmariepsa #photocollagebyLizaGarcia
